
Qiu,Jingwen_article reading

Design intelligence
Michael Speaks

1.Hunt for the next big thing.

2.Finding a new relationship between thinking and doing in architecture field.(theory and practical).

3.Try to fill the gap between philosophy(metaphysics) and practical.

4.Transforming architecture theories, methods and media to Design intelligence is the most important   directions of integration of academic and practitioners in the future.

5.Using software, science (Design intelligence) to solve the communicate problem between philosopher and practitioners, try to build a platform the they can have dialogue and solve problem alternatively.

6.Using Design intelligence to merge the regulating truth and calculable, mathematical truth, to be experimental truth.

7.Do not only thinking or doing, should transform metaphysics and practical into experimental, that's what thinking as doing.

Porous city, by MVRDV

Marta Kazimierczak - "Deep Decoration" Nina Rappaport,

"Deep Decoration"
 by Nina Rappaport

1. Change of relation between facade and structure.
2. Construction manifests material
3. Referation to nature. Architects inspired by biology.
4. Robert Le Ricolais and his reaserch about bone structure. Paradox  - voids decide about structure.
5. Conclusion - Decoration and structure unified.

Cctv-headquarters Rem Koolhaas

Cctv-headquarters Rem Koolhaas
