
Post Midterm_Mahmoud El Hakim_01

1 comment:

  1. I think Iget the Idea of your proposal. You are suggesting to use a recursive modulation of a curvilinear gesture in order to create a louvered surface. So far so good....now the difficult part of your project is this:
    1: Louvered surfaces have been explored in depth in contemporary architecture troughout the last decade: Gregs Embriological house (http://www.eesc.usp.br/nomads/arquiteturas/Embryological/Embryo%20House.htm), the planless house (http://blog.span-arch.com/projects/the-planless-house/)and many many more....now the question is: what is the novelty in your approach?

    2: I would critisize the way your building is stanting in the gap. It is behaving as if it is a free standing sculpture. What is the relation to the enveloping buildings? What is the relation to the ground?

    3: How does your louvered system comply to the need of spatial subdivision. Remember we where talking about Nesting, Lobing, and Pouchés as strategy of spatial subdivision. How does your concept contribute to this spatial discussion?


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