
Asa Darmatriaji_Postmidterm2

1 comment:

  1. nice analysis

    your problem in project development can be solved as follows:

    first definition of TWO terms is necessary:

    as we discussed at the midterms it is possible to change the terms (e.g. from intensive to geometry) but NOT ALTER them (e.g. intensive addition).

    your definition of Term 1 (Addition) is based on a very good analysis. Do the same good work for the term INTENSIVE.
    Use an architectonic reference, for example from the Reiser & Umemoto book that you were reading.

    Your definition on the term addition is based on the assumption that you would need at least TWO components - A and B.

    As we discussed two weeks ago and what you have to do until the next meeting:

    1. definition and visual analysis of the terms
    INTENSIVE /EXTENSIVE (just because it is easier to understand Intensive qualities in comparison with extensive qualities.

    2. create different types of components. Bear in mind that one component could reflect your research on INTENSIVE qualities (component A) the other could refer to EXTENSIVE qualities (component B).
    For the techniques please refer to the designs we did last semester when we created cells. Just have a look at what you and your colleagues developed last semester and keep refining it.

    so both components should stem from the same design but don't worry, we will help you to identify which works best.

    so until next meeting just
    1. define the terminology and
    2. create more components, that we can choose from. I think at least 10 different designs will give us a good range of possibilities.


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